As some of us know, when doing a CD-based kickstart, anaconda will not prompt you for network information, even if you leave the network line blank, empty, etc. After some digging, I came up with a solution. First thing you need to do is modify the stage2.img on the CD.. copy stage2.img to /tmp mkdir /mnt/img mount -o loop /tmp/stage2.img /mnt/img cd /mnt/img tar cvf /tmp/stage2.tar . cd /tmp mkdir stage2 cd stage2 tar xvf /tmp/stage2.tar now with your editor, open up /tmp/usr/lib/anaconda/ Look for the line: dispatch.skipStep("network") change it to : #dispatch.skipStep("network") save the file. cd /tmp run cramfs to generate the new stage2.img mkcramfs stage2/ stage2.img Now copy the stage2.img back into the directory tree you used to burn the CD. Have fun. James James S. Martin, RHCE Contractor Administrative Office of the United States Courts Washington, DC (202) 502-2394