Re: rpm404-python package missing from RHEL ES 3

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Chan, Dominic wrote:
So CentOS-3 use the same binary/source as RHEL 3.0?  Can it use the same update from redhat as it become available?
In theory yes, but I don't know anyone who has tried this. I don't see 
the reason for using the updates from RH while using CentOS b/c you'd 
still have to pay RH.
If you are paying for the updates from RH you might as well also use the 
RH built/approved binaries.
BTW, CentOS has its own update server that is free with all of the patches.



-----Original Message-----
From: Akbar S. Ahmed [mailto:akbar501@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 11:52 AM
To: Chan, Dominic
Cc: David Lefcourt; anaconda-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: rpm404-python package missing from RHEL ES 3

Hi Dominic,

Chan, Dominic wrote:

I am a bit confuse?  So is caosity Linux their own distro of Linux?  Or
is it a modified version of RHEL Linux?  Are they a WS,ES,AS version of

Caosity is just the web site.

They have a few different projects:
1. cAos is a new RPM-based community distro
2. CentOS-2 is a rebuild of RHEL 2 with the RH trademarks removed
3. CentOS-3 is a rebuild of RHEL 3 with the RH trademarks removed

As for WS, ES, and AS versions I am not sure.

I know some people that have tried our CentOS-3 and all were happy with it. I don't know anyone that has tried cAos yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: anaconda-devel-list-admin@xxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:anaconda-devel-list-admin@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Akbar S.
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 6:21 PM
To: David Lefcourt
Cc: anaconda-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: rpm404-python package missing from RHEL ES 3

Hi David,

David Lefcourt wrote:

I have discovered that rpm404-python is not available with RHEL ES 3 -

Check out They have done a good job of finding missing packages.
The build you want to look at is CentOS-3 


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