On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 18:26:35 +0200 Pavel Ivanov [Pavel] wrote: Pavel> Alain TAUCH wrote: Pavel> [...] Pavel> >try to install pyxf86config on your system. Pavel> > Pavel> It helps thank you. But, now I have a new one: great. Pavel> Removing unused python files in hdimage... Traceback (most recent call Pavel> last): Pavel> File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 672, in ? Pavel> from text import InstallInterface Pavel> File "/usr/lib/anaconda/text.py", line 17, in ? Pavel> from snack import * Pavel> ImportError: No module named snack Pavel> Pavel> How about it? Pavel> Pavel> In this case usyally do: Pavel> Pavel> $ whereis snack well, try locate instead, in the current case newt is missing. remember, you're looking for a python module, so the file name won't be just 'snack'. Pavel> and then Pavel> Pavel> $ rpm -qf /path/to/snack Pavel> Pavel> and It shows me the package I need to add. Pavel> Pavel> But my full Fedora Install doesn't know what is snack. -- Alain