Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have to distribute a customized version of RH9 to some clients and I have been working through what information I could find. So far, I have managed to rebuild the installer files Etc.O.K. but when I try to run the following command I get the error shown: /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/splitdistro --fileorder \ /redhat/redhat_9/pkgorder.txt \ --release "Redhat 9 (Shrike)" \ /redhat/redhat_9 i386 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/splitdistro", line 185, in ? binPkgList.append(packages[pkg]) KeyError: MySQL-client-4.0.16-0 one of the main reasons for this having to be a custom CD is the requirement for MySQl 4 in order to permit FULL TEXT searches in BOOLEAN MODE, The other is for a bare bone absolute minimal install save the required services: dchpd ntpd rshd telnetd named mysql httpd - with PHP sendmail crond ftp - client only + plus a couple of my own programs. The only part of the above that I have achived so far is to replace the MySQL rpms, and even this causes the above. I have noticed the there is no PGP signiture in the RPMS for MySQL-4 but there are in 3. what ever it is in RH9 default. Do I have to sign these RPMS or can I can anaconda to ingore the above error and continue. also where can I obtain the src.rpm files for anaconda as distributed with RH9 as I will have to re-brand the distro for the CDs Thanks in advance. -- Edward Finlayson <fin@xxxxxxxx>