Kevin Worthington wrote:
Sure. This patch was written for the anaconda source, but you can just
patch buildinstall manually on your system. Save the patch to /tmp and
then run this as root:
cd /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime
patch -p2 < /tmp/buildinstall.patch
The -p2 option to patch means to strip the first two directories. The
first line of the patch tells it which file to patch:
diff -urN anaconda-9.0.6.orig/scripts/buildinstall...
Taking off the first two directories leaves just buildinstall, which is
why you have to cd to /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime. You can also look at
the patch and fix buildinstall manually. The fourth line tells you
which line to start looking at. The lines beginning with - are the ones
that it will remove, and the lines beginning with + are the lines that
it will add. You will have to look close at the lines in this patch to
see the four extra quotes (').
Thanks very much. I appreciate all your help. I applied the patch, but it failed.
This is a better patch that gets the PRODUCT string passed along. I
found that using double quotes was sufficient and necessary.
--- buildinstall.orig 2003-10-29 15:58:01.000000000 -0800
+++ buildinstall 2003-10-29 15:58:26.000000000 -0800
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
if [ -x /usr/bin/runroot ]; then
runroot $COMPNAME --onlyone --arch $BUILDARCH "$BUILDINSTALL --buildinstdir $BUILDINSTDIR --second $PKGORDERSTR --comp $COMPNAME --version $VERSION --release '\"$RELEASESTR\"' --product '\"$PRODUCTSTR\"' --prodpath $PRODUCTPATH $DIR"
- $BUILDINSTALL --buildinstdir $BUILDINSTDIR --second $PKGORDERSTR --comp $COMPNAME --version $VERSION --release \"$RELEASESTR\" --product \"$PRODUCTSTR\" --prodpath $PRODUCTPATH $DIR
+ $BUILDINSTALL --buildinstdir $BUILDINSTDIR --second $PKGORDERSTR --comp $COMPNAME --version $VERSION --release "$RELEASESTR" --product "$PRODUCTSTR" --prodpath $PRODUCTPATH $DIR
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
if [ -x /usr/bin/runroot ]; then
runroot $COMPNAME --onlyone --arch $BUILDARCH "cd $BUILDINSTDIR\; ./mk-images $DEBUGSTR $p/$PRODUCTPATH/RPMS $p $TREEDIR/image-template $TREEDIR/instimage $BUILDARCH '\"$PRODUCTSTR\"' $VERSION $PRODUCTPATH"
echo "Writing .discinfo file"