> Sure. This patch was written for the anaconda source, but you can just > patch buildinstall manually on your system. Save the patch to /tmp and > then run this as root: > > cd /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime > patch -p2 < /tmp/buildinstall.patch > > The -p2 option to patch means to strip the first two directories. The > first line of the patch tells it which file to patch: > > diff -urN anaconda-9.0.6.orig/scripts/buildinstall... > > Taking off the first two directories leaves just buildinstall, which is > why you have to cd to /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime. You can also look at > the patch and fix buildinstall manually. The fourth line tells you > which line to start looking at. The lines beginning with - are the ones > that it will remove, and the lines beginning with + are the lines that > it will add. You will have to look close at the lines in this patch to > see the four extra quotes ('). Forrest, Thanks very much. I appreciate all your help. I applied the patch, but it failed. I believe it is because I am running a different (newer) version of anaconda-runtime, anaconda-runtime-9.0.96-0.20031027175019 I'll tinker more, but so far no luck. Thanks again for all your help, you have put me on the right track. Kev --- Kevin Worthington - <kworthington (at) linuxmail {dot} org> Faithful Red Hat Linux user since April 1998 Registered Linux User #218689 - http://counter.li.org -- ______________________________________________ Check out the latest SMS services @ http://www.linuxmail.org This allows you to send and receive SMS through your mailbox. Powered by Outblaze