i have been trying to modify the 3rd cd of the k-12 - 3.1.1 set and add
a couple of post installation custom rpms.
Basically i have included a new directory on the cd that i copy across
to the hard disk during the post-install phase of my kickstart config.
After that i install some rpms from this directory and copy some files
to different places. (got the idea from the university of buffalo custom
rh distro)
My problem is when i am asked for the 3rd cd - my custom cd is not
recognised as being valid. I even checked how the k12 3rd cd was created -
mkisofs -A 'K12LTSP 3.1.1' -V 'K12LTSP 3.1.1' -r -J -T -o ../3.iso .
and used the same command to create my custom cd.
am i missing some validation step?
does anyone have any ideas?
should i be posting to the k12 list?