seth vidal wrote:
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 07:09, Toralf Lund wrote:
Is there any kind of parser available for comps.xml? I'm looking for a
way to optain information like a list of package names that would be
installed if selecting one or more specified groups. (Assuming a fresh
install, i.e. not taking already installed packages into account.)
look at yum:
the groups parser for yum reads comps.xml - you can do yum grouplist
"some group" and it will list out the stuff that would, by default, be
installed, and the subgroups.
I have tested yum briefly before, but never noticed this mode. However,
it seems like the "grouplist" command will take lots of additional steps
like update cache, check headers etc., that I'm not interested in here.
Is there any way to disable those?
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