Thanks Brian for all your help so far. I finally finished my custom distro using build_ks. Now I want to update it with update_ks and I have some questions: 1. when running update_ks the to be updates rpms can be in any folder as long as a specify it? 2. Does update_ks just build the new conf file which I then have to run with build_ks? 3. If the answer for 2. is yes do the to be updated rpms need th reside in the by build_ks needed directory tree or can the be in the in 1. mentioned folder as long as I direct the switch in build_ks to this directory? If so how many different directory switches can I use while running build_ks? 4. The RH updates and errata can be copied in one directory all together or do I need to follow the RH ftp directory structure? Thanks AR