Alexander Rau (private) wrote:
Thanks for the fast reply "It wants a relative path for the -b and -c options:" Does that mean, general.msg, isolinux.cfg, rescue.msg, vmlinuz, boot.msg, initrd.img, options.msg, snake.msg, isolinux.bin, param.msg, splash.lss should be in a folder called /isolinux within the folder that I am creating the new CD image in and not in another folder i.e /usr/local/bootdisk/isolinux/ that I am using?
That is correct. Move the isolinux directory to /mnt/hdd/RH9/ONE_CD and then run it this way:
mkisofs -r -N -L -d -D -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -J -V "Custom Distro" -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -o /mnt/hdd/RH9/loonix.iso /mnt/hdd/RH9/ONE_CD Forrest