I customized redhat 9 installation, deleted many packages I don't need,
and made it fit in one cd. I modified the comps.xml.
genhdlist and buildinstall were all right.
mkisofs -r -J -L -v -T -V "redhat9-onecd" -b images/bootdisk.img -c isolinux/boot.cat -o /work/shrike-i386-disc1.iso /work/one/i386
Then I try install from harddrive using it, booting from a floppydisk
After selecting install method and directory, thing goes wrong.
I think that it did find the iso file
The error messages are:
Could not find platform independent libraries consider using $PYTHONHOME to 'import site' failed: use -v to traceback Tracdback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 28, in ? import sys, os ImportError: No module names os Install exit abnormally Any help? Thanks.. XH Beijing ______________________________________ =================================================================== 订非常笑话抽大奖 彩屏手机一天一部! (http://sms.sina.com.cn/act/fcxhhd.html)