> but buildinstall script just print out the usage(); > [root@rh9 i386]# buildinstall \ > > --pkgorder /work/i386/pkgorder.txt \ > > --comp dist-8.0 \ > > --version 8.0 \ > > --release "my distro" \ > > /work/i386 > Usage: buildinstall [--comp <component>] [--pkgorder <file>] [--version <version > >] [--product <product>] [--release <comment>] <root> > > Should I make pkgorder.txt before run buildinstall or do anything else?? No, you shouldn't have to. buildinstall will generate pkgorder.txt . The command you ran is missing the --product argument and you have --pkgorder coming before --comp. try: buildinstall \ > --comp dist-8.0 > --pkgorder /work/i386/pkgorder.txt \ > --version 8.0 \ > --product "Red Hat Linux" > --release "my distro" \ > /work/i386 It works for me, should work for you.