On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Stas Goshtein wrote: > Hello, there guys, > I'm trying to build customized installation for RHAS 2.1 which is based > on 7.2. > I've upgraded the packages and generated hdlist files - installation now > works perfectly with NFS. > When I'm trying to run buildinstall, except the regular messages about > mkfontdir and "Scrubbing trees ...", I'm getting error that > > libssl.so.2 can not be found: no such fuile or directory > > If ignoring the message the script continues till the end, but after > booting from CD, same message appearing and the install quits. > I tired to rebuild openssl and openssl096 packages, so the libssl.so.2 > will be available, but the best I could get, is getting warning message > on freshly installed mashine, that : > > ldconfig: libssl.so.2 is not a symbolic link. > ldconfig: libcrypto.so.2 is not a symbolic link. > > But the mashine is working now, except the warning messages every time > ldconfig is runned. > > Anyone here to help, may be even someone can help to rebuild openssl > RPMs in the working way ... Are you trying to build the latest and greatest ssl for AS? I recently built all of the AS SRPMS. With only a few exceptions it went well. There were however a few srpms that only the errata would build correctly. I do not remember if ssl was in that group or not. -- .............Tom "Nothing would please me more than being able to tdiehl@xxxxxxxxxxxx hire ten programmers and deluge the hobby market with good software." -- Bill Gates 1976 We are still waiting ....