Hi, I am trying to create a cut down 1 disk version of RedHat 7.2. We have a data centre where we install linux 7.2 in the same way on all the machines. We need to make an automated installer disk which we can give a technician and have it only installs tha rpm packages we want and that too only from a single disk. I have deleted the RPMS that are not required (mostly xwindows gnome kde). Added ks=floppy to the append line on the syslinux.cfg file. I have removed references to the deleted RPMS from the comps file. When I try installing from the cd, the kickstart file is accepted, the partitions etc are created properly but when it starts reading the package information I get the following error. This happens in both the gui and text mode installs. I dont know what I am getting this error, I have not touched the stage2.img file and modified the anaconda source. The only thing I can think of is that there is an error in my comps file. I have typed the error from the screen, so please excuse typos :). Traceback (innermost last): File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 620, in ? intf.run(id, dispatch, configFileData) File "/isr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 350, in run self.icw.run (self.runres, configFileData) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 777, in run self.setup_window(runres) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 757, in setup_window self.setScreen () File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.pu", line 504, in serScreen (step, args) - self.dispatch.currentStep() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py", line 243, in currentStep self.gotoNext() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py" , line 143, in gotoNext self.moveStep() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py", line 208, in moveStep rc = apply(func, self.bindArgs(arg)) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/packages.py", line 106, in readPackages id.comps = method.readComps(id.hdList) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/image.py", line 17. in readComps return ComponentSet(self.tree + '/RedGAt/base/comps', hdlist) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/comps.py", line 795, in __init__ self.readCompsFile(file, self.packages) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/comps.py", line 471, in readCompsFile file = urllib.urlopen(filename) File "/usr/lib/python1.5/urllib.py", line 59, inurlopen return_urlopener.open(url) File "/usr/lib/python1.5/urllib.py", line 159, in open return getaatr(self, name)(url) File "/usr/lib/python1.5/urllib.py", line 330, in open_file return self.open_local_file(url) File "/usr/lib/python1.5/urllib.py", line 334, in open_local_file import mimetypes, mimetools, StringIO File "/usr/lib/python1.5/mimetools.py", line 7, in ? import tempfile File "/isr/lib/python1.5/tempfile.py", line 141 return Tempor`ryFileWrapper(file, name) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax My comps file is as follows: 4 1 Base { MAKEDEV SysVinit alpha: aboot anacron i386: apmd ash at authconfig basesystem bash bdflush bzip2 bzip2-libs chkconfig cpio cracklib cracklib-dicts crontabs cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-md5 cyrus-sasl-plain cyrus-sasl-md5 db1 db2 db3 dev dhcpcd diffutils dosfstools e2fsprogs ed ia64: elilo (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): eject file filesystem fileutils findutils gawk gdbm glib glibc glibc-common (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): gpm grep groff i386: grub gzip (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): hdparm (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): hotplug i386: lilo indexhtml info initscripts ipchains iproute iputils iptables (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): console-tools (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): kbdconfig (lang ja): kcc kernel (lang ja and arch i386): kon2 (lang ja and arch i386): kon2-fonts ksymoops krb5-libs kudzu less libstdc++ libtermcap logrotate lokkit losetup mailcap mailx man mingetty i386: mkbootdisk mkinitrd mktemp modutils mount (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): mouseconfig ncurses netconfig net-tools newt ntsysv openldap openssl pam parted passwd (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): pciutils pcre (lang ja): perl (lang ja): perl-File-MMagic (lang ja): perl-NKF (lang ja): perl-Text-Kakasi popt procmail procps psmisc pwdb (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): quota raidtools readline redhat-logos redhat-release (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): reiserfs-utils rootfiles rpm s390: s390utils s390x: s390utils s390: binutils s390x: binutils sed (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): setserial setup setuptool sh-utils shadow-utils slang slocate i386: syslinux sysklogd tar tcsh termcap textutils time timeconfig tmpwatch ia64: unzip utempter util-linux vim-common vim-minimal vixie-cron which words zlib } 1 Printing Support { 4Suite expat freetype groff-perl libpng libxslt libxml2 m4 perl perl-XML-Dumper perl-XML-Encoding perl-XML-Grove perl-XML-Parser perl-XML-Twig perl-DateManip perl-Digest-MD5 perl-HTML-Parser perl-HTML-Tagset perl-libnet perl-libwww-perl perl-libxml-perl perl-libxml-enno perl-MIME-Base64 perl-Parse-Yapp perl-Storable perl-URI python } 1 Classic X Window System { } 1 X Window System { } i386: 0 Laptop Support { i386: kernel-pcmcia-cs i386: wireless-tools i386: } 0 --hide Spelling { } 1 GNOME { } 0 KDE { } 1 Sound and Multimedia Support { mkisofs perl (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): sndconfig } 1 Network Support { autofs bind-utils cipe finger ftp gmp gnupg krbafs logwatch m4 make ncftp nfs-utils nscd nss_ldap openldap-clients openssh openssh-clients pam_krb5 perl pidentd python python-xmlrpc portmap radvd rdate i386: rhn_register ia64: rhn_register alpha: rhn_register rpm-python rsh rusers rwho sendmail-cf stunnel talk tcp_wrappers telnet traceroute i386: up2date alpha: up2date ia64: up2date wget whois yp-tools ypbind } 1 Dialup Support { @ Network Support (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): isdn4k-utils lockdev lrzsz (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): minicom ppp (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): rp-pppoe (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): statserial tcl (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): wvdial } 1 Messaging and Web Tools { @ Network Support @ Spelling fetchmail m4 metamail pine sharutils } 0 Graphics and Image Manipulation { } 0 --hide Network Server { @ Network Support finger-server openssh-server sysstat talk-server telnet-server rusers-server rwall-server rsh-server xinetd ypserv } 0 News Server { @ Network Server cleanfeed } 0 NFS File Server { @ Network Server nfs-utils } 0 Windows File Server { @ Network Server samba samba-client samba-common } 0 Anonymous FTP Server { @ Network Server anonftp wu-ftpd } 0 SQL Database Server { @ Network Server cpp libodbc++ perl perl-DBI perl-DBD-Pg } 0 Web Server { @ Network Server @ Spelling ? Messaging and Web Tools { php-imap } apache i386: bcm5820 expat freetype gd libjpeg libpng libtool-libs libxml2 mm mod_dav mod_perl mod_ssl mrtg perl php php-ldap squid i386: tux } 0 Router / Firewall { @ Dialup Support @ Network Server iptables-ipv6 mtr rarpd i386: tripwire } 0 DNS Name Server { @ Network Server bind caching-nameserver } 0 Network Managed Workstation { @ Network Server !ia64: rdist tcpdump ucd-snmp ucd-snmp-utils } 0 Authoring and Publishing { @ Printing Support libpng sgml-common sgml-tools perl perl-SGMLSpm } 0 Emacs { } 0 Utilities { ? Network Managed Workstation { arpwatch i386: shapecfg } ? Network Support { rsync } bc dump efax make gmp (lang ja): kcc lsof make pax perl procinfo python screen stat sudo symlinks tree xdelta } 0 Legacy Application Support { !ia64: compat-glibc !ia64: compat-libstdc++ s390: pdksh s390x: pdksh s390: compat-libs s390x: compat-libs (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): glib10 (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): libjpeg6a (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): libxml10 (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): ncurses4 (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): openldap12 (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): openssl095a (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): openssl096 (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): readline2.2.1 } 0 Software Development { (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): ? Legacy Application Support { (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): compat-egcs (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): compat-egcs-c++ (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): compat-egcs-g77 (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): compat-libstdc++ (arch !s390 and arch !s390x and arch !ia64): } ? DNS Name Server { bind-devel } ? Web Server { apache-devel gd gd-devel } autoconf automake binutils bison byacc bzip2-devel cdecl cpp ctags cvs cyrus-sasl-devel db1-devel db3-devel db3-utils i386: dev86 diffstat e2fsprogs-devel expat expat-devel flex freetype gcc gcc-c++ gcc-g77 gdbm-devel gd gd-devel glibc-devel gmp gmp-devel (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): gpm-devel kernel-headers krb5-devel krbafs krbafs-devel kudzu-devel libjpeg libjpeg-devel libpng libpng-devel (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): libstdc++-devel libtermcap-devel libtiff libtiff-devel libtool libtool-libs lockdev lockdev-devel m4 make man-pages mm mm-devel ncompress ncurses-devel newt-devel njamd openldap-devel openssl-devel pam-devel patch pciutils-devel pcre-devel perl perl-SGMLSpm pmake python python-devel rcs readline-devel rpm-build rpm-devel sgml-common sgml-tools slang-devel strace swig tcl texinfo zlib-devel } 0 Kernel Development { @ Software Development kernel-source } 0 Windows Compatibility / Interoperability { dosfstools dos2unix mtools lha ? Network Support { pam_smb samba-client samba-common } unix2dos unzip zip } 0 Games and Entertainment { } 0 --hide Everything Include { (arch !s390 and arch !s390x): specspo ttfm freetype } 0 --hide Workstation Common { @ Network Support @ Dialup Support @ Printing Support @ X Window System @ Messaging and Web Tools @ Windows Compatibility / Interoperability @ Utilities @ Graphics and Image Manipulation @ Sound and Multimedia Support @ Authoring and Publishing @ Emacs } 0 --hide Server { @ Network Server @ Printing Support @ Messaging and Web Tools @ Dialup Support @ Network Managed Workstation @ Emacs @ Software Development @ Utilities } I would really appreciate some help with this. Regards, Rajiv