On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Keith Fernandez wrote: > Hi, > Does anyone know what the .discinfo file is all about.It is present on your RedHat CDROM in the root folder. This is what my file says. > --------------------------------------- > 1042210737.983097 > Redhat 8.0 (Psyche) > > 1,2,3 > RedHat/base > RedHat/RPMS > RedHat/pixmaps > --------------------------------------- > does anyone know what 1,2,3 mean. > Does it mean that the installer will look for 3 CD's > I am trying to get RPMS from 3 CD into one CD, I think build-install from anaconda-runtime generates this file. Indeed its about having that many CD's and the value is hardcoded in the buildinstall script: ... $MK_STAMP --releasestr="$RELEASESTR" --arch=$BUILDARCH --discNum="1,2,3" --baseDir=RedHat/base --packagesDir=RedHat/RPMS --pixmapsDir=RedHat/pixmaps --outfile=$p/.discinfo ... -- - Panu -