RE: custom distro

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I have downloaded Max-Rpm and read.(Good one ) . Now i m clear with RPMs .

But still i  could not understand how the installer works?
Means :

i am creating img files from buildinstall script which is executed from my local system. In that sense, is it necessary to install the newly compiled anaconda rpms to my system ?
and in the RedHat/comps file,  in 'base system' section, anaconda 
package is not specified.
So why do i want to add it to the RedHat/RPMS directory ? Because the 
image file has anaconda works no ?
(Is it true ? I dont know ?! )

Regarding buildng , I followed these steps:

1. rpm -ivh anaconda.src.rpm
2. Untar the bzip2 file and made two copies. One is "anaconda" & next "anaconda-prasanna" . 3. Replaced all occurences of "Red Hat" with "my own text" inside dir "anaconda-prasanna".
4. created patch using diff command on both dirs .
5. added the patch lines in anaconda-prasanna.spec
6. Modified the package summary info (replaced Redhat) in anaconda-prasanna.spec (this wont take effect when i give rpm -qpi on the rpms i got from step 8).
7. rpm -ba anaconda-prasanna.spec
8.Got rpm s in RPMS/i386 directory

9. Uninstalled my anaconda packages.
10. Installed the fresh ones i got in step 8
11. moved 2 rpms i got in step 8, to prasanna/custom-install/RedHat/RPMS directory.
12. Ran genhdlist on custom install .Done with it.
13. Ran buildinstall and got the images
14. Ran mkisofs and got one iso image
15.Burn it to CD

16. Boot fr om CD , Still getting Redhat :-(

Any idea where i went wrong ?


Törrönen, Paul-Erik wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: PrasannaKumar [mailto:prasanna_k@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: 31-10-2002 7:54 Subject: Re: custom distro
Again i got same problem. I got confused about anaconda now.
1.Does the base system need anaconda.rpm & anaconda-runtime inside RedHat/RPMS directory ???
Yes, you need to replace the original anaconda-packages
from the distribution with the modified anaconda-* packages.

I maked a patch file and changed the summary section of spec file too. I rebuilt the package as a whole and still when i query the rpm inside /RPMS/i386 dir,using rpm -qip , it has not replaced the occurrences
of RedHat in the description of the RPM.

The description texts comes from the spec-file itself,
did you replace them aswell?

I burnt the cd, even i am getting old installer :( :( (Red hat word has not got replaced)
This would be because you didn't copy the modified packages
to the build-tree (/redhat/i386/RedHat/RPMS if you follow
the instructions by Tony Nugent).

Finally as the following hint given by Poltsi (can u pl clear ur statements?), has got some ambiguity like " And add the patch to the modified spec-file. Add the following row under the BuildRoot:-line" .
Here modified spec-file refers to anaconda-prasanna.spec or anaconda.spec ?

anaconda-prasanna.spec. Keep the anaconda.spec as a reference
to the original non-modified spec-file.

and in the Patch section ? should i need to give the full path of the patch file ?

Only the filename. The file should reside in the /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES directory.
I would advise you to read some basics about how the rpm works,
Maximum RPM, although somewhat outdated, is an excellent guide
to the internals of the package management-system:


Paul-Erik Törrönen
Cardinal Information Systems Ltd
Pursimiehenkatu 29-31 C, 00150 Helsinki, FINLAND
E-mail: paul-erik.torronen@xxxxxxxxxxx
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