I am making a custom distribution for my company which will include all the latest errata and customized packages to include company specific configuration files. These are installed via a kick-start NFS server. Now I have been given a new machine who's nic is not supported with the current driver set for the boot images. I do have a copy of the updated nic driver and have placed and rebuilt the kernel RPMS but now I need to make new boot images. I thought that easiest method would be to run the mk-images script. Here is my question: What are the definitions of the parameters to be passed to mk-images: Specifically the : pkgsrc(KERNELPATH) Is this the path to the kernel source? toplevel(TOPDESTPATH) Im guess the top level of the dist on Harddisk? template(INSTIMAGPATH) Maybe the stageinstall images? The buildarch and version are simple enough for me to understand ;) -- Thanks Carl Sychowski Systems Admin Florist Transworld Delivery, Inc.