i am in the process of modifying loader-network to allow redhat to install on machine with 16MB of memory. right now, i need to install dumb terminals and 32MB is too much. it would also be too tedious to add a remove an additional 16MB while installing. i installed anaconda, anaconda-devel and anaconda-srpm. i untarred the anacoda source tarball. i editted the loader.c file. and the resulting loader-network file is > 2.5MB! so i removed all the debugging flags (-g -ggdb) from the Makefiles and recompiled. the resulting file was still > 2MB. i looked at all the linked objects and the large ones seem to be /usr/lib/libresolv.a around 700+K and /usr/lib/libutil.a. can somebody help me? thanks. ------------------------------------------- William Emmanuel S. Yu Ateneo Campus Network Group (AteneoCNG) email : wyu at ateneo dot edu web : http://CNG.ateneo.net/wyu/ phone : +63(2)4266001-4186 GPG : http://CNG.ateneo.net/wyu/wyy.pgp