Hi again, unfortunately i forgot to mention one thing. I've also tried this DAC on Windows and MAC boxes of friends, and there i get no crackle at all. I even installed a Windows on my machine to test -- and: The crackle is gone there! This led me to think that this is not a construction- or hardware fault, but in fact the software. Thanks again, Best Regards -Dario Ernst ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meet PCI DSS 3.0 Compliance Requirements with EventLog Analyzer Achieve PCI DSS 3.0 Compliant Status with Out-of-the-box PCI DSS Reports Are you Audit-Ready for PCI DSS 3.0 Compliance? Download White paper Comply to PCI DSS 3.0 Requirement 10 and 11.5 with EventLog Analyzer http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=154622311&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk _______________________________________________ Alsa-user mailing list Alsa-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/alsa-user