[sai@sai temp]# Play input audio format=PCM_UNSIGNED 11025.0 Hz, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame,
javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: Audio Device Unavailable
at com.sun.media.sound.HeadspaceMixer.nResume(Native Method)
at com.sun.media.sound.HeadspaceMixer.implOpen(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.media.sound.AbstractMixer.open(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.media.sound.AbstractMixer.open(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.media.sound.AbstractDataLine.open(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.media.sound.MixerSourceLine.open(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.media.sound.AbstractDataLine.open(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.media.sound.MixerSourceLine.open(Unknown Source)
at PlayAudioFile.playAudioStream(PlayAudioFile.java:64)
at PlayAudioFile.playAudioFile(PlayAudioFile.java:37)
at PlayAudioFile.main(PlayAudioFile.java:23)
java -cp . PlayAudioFile ~/temp/adios.wav &Play.playAudioStream draining line. sample_wav.wav &
[3] 2725
[sai@sai temp]# java -cp . DeviceInfo
Intel [plughw:0,0], version 1.0.24
Mixer: com.sun.media.sound.DirectAudioDevice@c9ba38
Source lines
Target lines
interface TargetDataLine supporting 24 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes
Intel [plughw:0,1], version 1.0.24
Mixer: com.sun.media.sound.DirectAudioDevice@1e0be38
Source lines
interface SourceDataLine supporting 24 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes
interface Clip supporting 24 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes
Target lines
Intel [plughw:0,2], version 1.0.24
Mixer: com.sun.media.sound.DirectAudioDevice@1e859c0
Source lines
Target lines
interface TargetDataLine supporting 24 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes
Java Sound Audio Engine, version 1.0
Mixer: com.sun.media.sound.HeadspaceMixer@15c7850
Source lines
interface SourceDataLine supporting 8 audio formats
interface Clip supporting 8 audio formats, and buffers of 0 to 4194304 bytes
Target lines
Port Intel [hw:0], version 1.0.24
Mixer: com.sun.media.sound.PortMixer@1aaa14a
Source lines
Front Mic Boost source port
Capture source port
Capture source port
Rear Mic Boost source port
Target lines
Master target port
Headphone target port
Front target port
Front Mic target port
Front Mic Boost target port
Surround target port
Center target port
LFE target port
Side target port
Line target port
CD target port
Beep target port
Rear Mic target port
Rear Mic Boost target port
Thanks and Regards,
> Does this help?
> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/sound/accessing.html
See the JavaSound chapter of my LinuxSound ebook for programs using
these classes at http://jan.newmarch.name/LinuxSound/Sampled/JavaSound/
Dr Jan Newmarch
Head of Higher Education (ICT)
P 61 3 9286 9971
M +61 4 0117 0509
F 61 3 9286 9100
W www.boxhill.edu.au
W jan.newmarch.name
E j.newmarch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
E jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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