Le Tue, 24 Jul 2007 13:06:59 -0400,Jerry Geis <geisj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit : > Lee Revell wrote:> > On 7/24/07, Jerry Geis <geisj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> >> Is there a way to send alsaconf three carriage returns on the command> >> line???> >>> >> I am always accepting the 3 defaults and want to automate that step.> >>> >> How do I redirect 3 carriage returns into alsaconf?> >>> >> I dont see a command line option to accept the three defaults.> >> OK to skip initial screen,> >> OK to accept the only driver I have compiled in,> >> OK to modify /etc/modprove.conf> >>> >> > Why do you feel you need alsaconf? It should only be necessary for> > old ISA stuff.> >> > PCI sound cards should just work without it.> >> > Lee> >> >> Lee,> > alsaconf also "reloads" or "loads" the driver right now.> So I can test it without rebooting...> Your distribution must have a script to start alsa at boot time. Itis /etc/init.d/alsa on gentoo. To run /etc/init.d/alsa restart is enough to restart alsa for me. The exact location and syntax of this scriptis distribution dependant. Dominique > Is there a way to give alsaconf 3 carriage returns???> > I tried to echo -e "\n\n\n" | alsaconf and that did nothing for me.> > Jerry> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.Still grepping through log files to find problems? Stop.Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser.Download your FREE copy of Splunk now >> http://get.splunk.com/_______________________________________________Alsa-user mailing listAlsa-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/alsa-user