My experience has been that the replicas and consumers have a unique id, more than just an IP address which creates the trust relationship with the master. If your goal is to simply maintain an IP so your clients don't have to be repointed, I would build each new LDAP host and replication agreement, and then as you decommission the old hosts use their IP address as a virtual IP address on the replacement host. It would take a quick restart od the LDAP service to start a listener on the virtual Ip address.
Leo Pleiman
Senior System Engineer
Direct 202-787-3622
Cell 410-688-3873
On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 3:57 PM Crocker, Deborah <crock@xxxxxx> wrote:
We have a setup with 2 multi-masters and 3 consumers. We are now building new host and want to put them in place ultimately at the same IP address as the original ones. I need some advice on how to do this quickly and cleanly.
To add a new consumer the idea now is to set it up and set up replications agreements from each master using consumer DNS name (don't start continuous replication yet). After initializing new consumer from one master - turn off old consumer, remove old consumer agreement from each master, and re-IP new consumer. Do we need to restart masters to re-read DNS or will it pick that up when it starts the next replication? Is this the best way to do this?
Deborah Crocker, PhD
Systems Engineer III
Office of Information Technology
The University of Alabama
Box 870346
Tuscaloosa, AL 36587
Office 205-348-3758 | Fax 205-348-9393
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