Thanks, I got it to import. I was trying to do an ldif import via ldapadd.
Fernando Fuentes
Supervisor & Senior Systems Administrator
Email: ffuentes@xxxxxxxxxxx
American Alloy Steel, Inc.
Houston, Texas
Website: http://www.aasteel.com
Phone: 713-744-4222
Fax: 713-300-5688
On 9/3/19 7:34 PM, William Brown wrote:
How did you try to import them? I did the following:
systemctl stop dirsrv@localhost
cp schema.ldif /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/schema/98-bind-schema.ldif
systemctl start dirsrv@localhost
ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost:3389 -x -b 'cn=schema' -s base \+ &> /tmp/schema
And looking in /tmp/schema I can see the idnsRecord etc.
Does that help?
On 3 Sep 2019, at 22:51, Fernando Fuentes <ffuentes@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The schema I try to import is from the rpm. Here it is on git: https://github.com/freeipa/bind-dyndb-ldap/blob/master/doc/schema.ldif
Nether work....
Fernando Fuentes
Supervisor & Senior Systems Administrator
Email: ffuentes@xxxxxxxxxxx
American Alloy Steel, Inc.
Houston, Texas
Website: http://www.aasteel.com
Phone: 713-744-4222
Fax: 713-300-5688
On 9/1/19 6:10 PM, William Brown wrote:
Where did you source the schema from? The bind-dyndb-ldap rpm or another location?
On 31 Aug 2019, at 14:08, Fernando Fuentes <ffuentes@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am documenting everything. So far the only show stopper has been importing the schema which is missing an attribute as I email earlier.
!ERROR [LDAP: error code 65 - missing required attribute "objectclass" ]
dn: cn=schema
On 8/30/19 8:12 PM, William Brown wrote:
Let us know how you go, and if you can, keep records of what you do an install because it could become a blog or how-to later. :)
On 31 Aug 2019, at 03:57, Fernando Fuentes <ffuentes@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ill give it a try.
Fernando Fuentes
Supervisor & Senior Systems Administrator
Email: ffuentes@xxxxxxxxxxx
American Alloy Steel, Inc.
Houston, Texas
Website: http://www.aasteel.com
Phone: 713-744-4222
Fax: 713-300-5688
On 8/28/19 6:11 PM, William Brown wrote:
On 28 Aug 2019, at 01:36, Fernando Fuentes <ffuentes@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Is there a plugin or a default schema for BIND (named) on Fedora389? Or do I have to import the included schema with bind9?
I think that bind-dyndb-ldap provides a schema you can use?
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