this is my person object and it has lastlogintime (the operational attribute) so if many user bind the lastlogintime information updated so replication is started. now I am changed agreement exclude lastlogintime many replication is not accured. so changelogdb size slowly incrace. but still incrace the size.

2017-05-30 1:05 GMT+03:00 William Brown <wibrown@xxxxxxxxxx>:
On Mon, 2017-05-29 at 15:05 +0300, Alparslan Ozturk wrote:
> I am remove all agrement. then create new agrement without lastlogintime.
> now are woring propely. many thanks for helps.
Glad that resolved it: I don't understand what the issue was caused by
though :(
William Brown
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Australia/Brisbane
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