Hi guys, how can I determine the members of a dynamic group? After some research, it is still not obvious to me. There is an example at page 220 of the redhat directory server adm guide at: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Directory_Server/10/pdf/Administration_Guide/Red_Hat_Directory_Server-10-Administration_Guide-en-US.pdf Within the 389 console you can list the members of the dynamic group using the 'test' button. Unfortunately, I'm using a stripped down installation of 389 without the admin server. But it should be possible to list the members of a dynamic group using ldapsearch, or? I've tried to query the dyn group object itself, but the members are missing: ldapsearch -H ldap://ldap.example.org -D "cn=directory manager" -W -Z -x -b 'cn=admin,ou=sampleapp,ou=appgroups,dc=example,dc=org' 'objectclass=*' dn: cn=admin,ou=sampleapp,ou=appgroups,dc=example,dc=org objectClass: top objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames objectClass: groupOfURLs cn: admin description: sampleapp admin users dyn group memberURL: ldap:///ou=people,dc=example,dc=org??sub?(&(objectclass=pers on)(mail=*example.org)) # search result search: 3 result: 0 Success # numResponses: 2 # numEntries: 1 I've also tested the Url in a separate ldapsearch which returns lots of entries. What am I missing? thank you very much, cheers, Frank -- 389 users mailing list 389-users@%(host_name)s http://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/389-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx