On 09/14/2015 09:42 AM, ghiureai wrote:
Please keep replies on-list.
HI Rich,
here is some details and Q from developers which designed the DS tree
, has performance issues, any input from you much appreciate it:
The slow query problem seems to be related to the acis. Please send the
following question to your redhat collaborator.
"We have the following LDAP structure:
A->B(one)->C(few thousand)
B has macro acis that refer to the C nodes.
By "node" do you mean a host/machine, or a subtree in the DIT?
The ldapsearch command to list the cn of all C nodes is more than an
order of magnitude slower when B is used as the base compared to when A
is used as the base node (1-2s vs 10-20s or more). This is counter
intuitive as A has other children besides B. Performance is much better
when the macro acis are removed. Are macro acis cached when A is used as
the base? Is this normal or we are doing something wrong? Is there a
solution to this?"
Don't know, but yes, it looks as though the performance is related to
macro ACI handling.
Please file a bug/ticket with 389.
On 09/11/2015 08:35 AM, Rich Megginson wrote:
On 09/11/2015 08:50 AM, ghiureai wrote:
Fast query:
ldapsearch -x -h xxx -b "ou=ds,dc=cb,dc=net" -W
-D "uid=axxx,ou=Users,ou=ds,dc=cb,dc=net"
"(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)" "cn" | sort -u | wc
Slow query:
ldapsearch -x -h xxx-b
"ou=groups,ou=ds,dc=cb,dc=net" -W -D
"(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)" "cn" | sort -u | wc
What version of 389? rpm -q 389-ds-base
What is the time difference between the fast query and the slow query
(e.g. time ldapsearch -x -h xxx ... for both queries)
What does the access log say? For example, provide the excerpts from
the access log for both queries showing the connection through the
Is there anything in the errors log during the time of the slow search?
On 09/10/2015 03:00 PM, ghiureai wrote:
Hi Gurus,
we are seening some performance issues when running ldapsearch with
tree ou=Groups, ou=ds , dc=abc, dc=net takes longer than when looking
for same user but from one level up of tree up aka :ou=ds,
dc=abc,dc=net, the difference in time very high , any idea why we
this ?
Also we are seeing time exec diff when running from same levele of DS(
under ou=ds) but different ou's ?
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