On 09/23/2014 10:18 AM, David Barr
Good morning!
In the current EPEL version of 389-ds, if I go through
config-ds-admin.pl, option 3, these questions are included:
Suffix [dc=localdomain]:
Do you want to install the sample entries? [no]:
Type the full path and filename, the word suggest, or the
word none [suggest]:
If I take the defaults listed, I get my Base DN
(“dc=localdomain”) and all of the suggested ou=People and
ou=Groups entries.
If I give the keyword “none” to the suggested entries item, I
don’t get any of the suggestions. Nor do I get my Suffix/Base
DN! My expectation is that I would get my Base DN in any case,
since the configuration script asks for it.
You do get a _suffix_ (with corresponding database), you just don't
get the _entry_ at the base of the suffix. It may be
counterintuitive, but in LDAP there is a difference between having
an available suffix to use, and having an entry in that suffix.
If this is deliberate behavior, how would I craft the LDIF to
create my Base DN? Specifically, how would I identify it as the
Base DN to 389-ds?
It is definitely deliberate behavior. Typically, people answering
"none" to the question are either planning to create the dit
out-of-band, with ldapmodify and/or ldif2db and/or the console,
which allows you to create the base/root entry of a suffix.
Since you mention crafting LDIF, at the prompt, instead of none or
suggest, you can specify the full (absolute) path and file name of
the LDIF file you want to use to populate the suffix. This
corresponds to the InstallLdifFile directive -
David - Offbeat http://dafydd.livejournal.com
dafydd - Online http://pgp.mit.edu/
Battalion 4 - Black Rock City Emergency Services Department
Pavlov walks into a bar. The phone rings and he says,
"Damn! I forgot to feed the dog!"
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