Hi Noriko/Rich, I have encountered the issue [ldap_modify: Type or value exists]
during testing . it seems to be the problem got fixed in ticket 570 ,but I believe it is not complete fix. This fix was not take care of case or is it expected.?. Problem statement: ldap_modify: Type or value exists /opt/dirsrv/bin/ldapmodify -a -h localhost -p 13389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w welcome123 -f /tmp/change1.ldif modifying entry sn=201406020952,OU=People,dc=ind,dc=xyz,dc=com ldap_modify: Type or value exists Reproducer: 1)
Create MultiMaster environment 2)
Add the entry by using "add.ldif" and verify entry got replicated in another master 3)
# /opt/ldapux/bin/ldapmodify -h test -p 13389 -D cn="Directory Manager" -w welcome123 -a -f add.ldif Add.ldif dn: sn=201406020923,ou=People,dc=ind,dc=xyz,dc=com mail: aaaaa@xxxxxxx mail: bbbbb@xxxxxxx homePhone: 111222 homePhone: 111444 objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: organizationalPerson sn: 201406020952 sn:: 5bCP56yg5Y6f uid: 201406020952 telephoneNumber: 0399999999 givenName;lang-ja:: 44Ot44OJ44OL44O8 sn;lang-ja:: 5bCP56yg5Y6f cn;lang-ja:: 5bCP56yg5Y6fIOODreODieODi+ODvA== title;lang-ja:: 5Za25qWt6YOoIOmDqOmVtw== preferredLanguage: ja givenName:: 44Ot44OJ44OL44O8 cn:: 5bCP56yg5Y6fIOODreODieODi+ODvA== title:: 5Za25qWt6YOoIOmDqOmVtw== givenName;lang-ja;phonetic:: 44KN44Gp44Gr44O8 sn;lang-ja;phonetic:: 44GK44GM44GV44KP44KJ cn;lang-ja;phonetic:: 44GK44GM44GV44KP44KJIOOCjeOBqeOBq+ODvA== title;lang-ja;phonetic:: 44GI44GE44GO44KH44GG44G2IOOBtuOBoeOCh+OBhg== givenName;lang-en: Rodney sn;lang-en: Ogasawara cn;lang-en: Rodney Ogasawara title;lang-en: Sales, Director 4)
Modify the entry by using "mod.ldif" 5)
# /opt/ldapux/bin/ldapmodify -h test -p 13389 -D cn="Directory Manager" -w welcome123 -a -f mod.ldif # cat /tmp/mod1.ldif dn: sn=201406020923,OU=People,dc=ind,dc=xyz,dc=com changetype: modify add: mail mail: CCCCC@xxxxxxx mail: BBBBB@xxxxxxx l /opt/dirsrv/bin/ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager " -w welcome123 -p 13389 -f ./change1.ldif modifying entry sn=201406020952,OU=People,dc=ind,dc=xyz,dc=com ldap_modify: Type or value exists Thanks and Regards, Rajendra |
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