On 01/15/2014 11:51 AM, Richard Mixon
Thank you both for the responses.
We are using the 389 Directory Server for a pretty
isolated situation - authentication/authorization for
external users on an "extranet" type portal website (it
integrates pieces of several different web applications).
We don't really envision (famous last words, I know) using
it on a broader basis.
Rich, I can understand why the pre-hashed passwords cause
a lot of integration points to break. Is there a good
alternative that still makes cracking your passwords
prohibitively expensive?
Well, actually, yes - don't use passwords - use client certificate
based authentication . . .
Nathan, I have a background in C, but do mostly Java these
days. I will take a look at ticket 397 and get back to you if
it's something I could work on. Can you provide me the
pointers you were referring to?
Thank you - Richard
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