The behavior is a little bit different and I will try to
version: 389-Directory/ B2013.347.1221
389DS <--> Windows 2008 R2
Name of group: GSG_TESTE
Included a lot of users on this group, including this user:
DN of the user on windows: CN=Alberto
DN of the user on
389DS: uid=alberto.viana,ou=TESTE,dc=homolog,dc=rnp
What I did:
Changeg the OU of the user via windows to:
NEW DN: CN=Alberto Viana,OU=NEW,DC=homolog,DC=rnp
What happenned:
Did not deleted all users from the group.
389DS moved correctly the user to new DN:
389DS Added this new uid
(uid=alberto.viana,ou=NEW,dc=homolog,dc=rnp) to group, but
keep the old entry too
Whe I remove the old entry manually
(uid=alberto.viana,ou=TESTE,dc=homolog,dc=rnp) from the group,
389 DS deletes all users from the group on both sides (389DS
and windows)
Do need any specific information? should I file a ticket?