Thanks. Yes it was a stupid Typo. Is there any way to modify/delete entries created by the Managed Entries plugin?
When I try to delete those group entries it denies say "It needs to be Manually Unlinked" not sure how to un-link them. Any idea on that?
On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Nathan Kinder <nkinder@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You have a typo in your originScope setting. It should be "ou=people,dc=ma,dc=net".On 03/19/2013 02:33 PM, Chandan Kumar wrote:
I am deploying the 389 server (On CentOS 6) to manage the Linux Users/Password. So as part of Linux User management, I was trying to get the Managed Entries work for Posix user creation.
I am following the standard Redhat documentation.
So I created the templates, exactly the way explained in the doc, but when I create the users it is not creating corresponding Groups.
I am using following ldap commands to add entries. I could see the this plugin created in from the console server -> data -> Plugins -> Managed Entries -> <My plugin>
User creation statements
dn: uid=pappu1,ou=People,dc=ma,dc=net
objectclass: person
objectclass: inetorgperson
objectclass: posixAccount
cn: Pappu
sn: Papa
givenName: pappu1
objectclass: mepOriginEntry
mepManagedEntry: cn=Pappu Group
homeDirectory: /home/pappu1
The plugin
dn: cn=Posix User-Group,cn=Managed Entries,cn=plugins,cn=config
objectclass: extensibleObject
cn: Posix User-Group
originScope: ou=people,dc=ma,dc=ma
originFilter: objectclass=posixAccount
managedBase: ou=groups,dc=ma,dc=net
managedTemplate: cn=Posix User-Group Template,ou=Templates,dc=ma,dc=net
The template
dn: cn=Posix User-Group Template, ou=Templates,dc=ma,dc=net
objectclass: mepTemplateEntry
cn: Posix User-Group Template
mepRDNAttr: cn
mepStaticAttr: objectclass: posixGroup
mepMappedAttr: cn: $cn Group Entry
mepMappedAttr: gidNumber: $gidNumber
mepMappedAttr: memberUid: $uid
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