The best way in my opinion is to generate template using migration tools. Then when you want to add new user use sed to modify it and pipe result to ldapmodify or target it with -a option in ldapadd command. New passwords you can generate using slappasswd or ldappasswd (after user is added to ldap). Please rea man pages of this commands. Slappasswd is part of openldap-severs.
You could use echo to write the same content to ldif file but is this a big diference? If you prefer using echo this way is still good because you will get example user ldif.
Message send from htc desire
04-08-2012 01:15, "Fosiul Alam" <fosiul@xxxxxxxxx> napisał(a):
Hi thanksI m thinking to use simple bash script to create a ldif file.I think that canbe done .. But could you please tell me what would be the structure of ldif file , suppose if i want to create a user call john smith under bellow structureou=users,l=uk,dc=fosiul,dc=lan"Thanksou=users,l=uk,dc=fosiul,dc=lan"
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