On 07/05/2012 01:32 PM, Alberto Viana
I have a replication with a
389 DS server and my AD domain. According to the
documentation the field used to control the
replication is "NT user ID" on 389 DS and it
is populated from Active directory´s field "sAMAccountName".
fact is that "sAMAccountName"
is limited to 20 characters.
My problem is that I
always create my user´s in the active
directory first, so when I create a user
longer than 20 characters, 389 DS create it
missing letters (off corse the problem is
about windows limitation and I know that), I´m
just trying to find out the esiest solution to
my problem.
For example, I have
an user called "therezinha.figueiredo" and
when I create it on my AD the "sAMAccountName"
is "therezinha.figueired",
so the replication plugin create in the 389
Server an user Called "therezinha.figueired"
Also tried to modifify the user uid and keep the
"NT user ID". For example:
the replication plugin created the user called "therezinha.figueired"
I modified it manually to ""therezinha.figueiredo"
and kept the "NT user ID", but something strange
hapenned with this user groups (in the 389 DS
and also in the Active Directory).
clues? Can I use another field to populate users
"NT user ID" and change
it on the replication plugin?