Hi Herb,
Ok you shouldn't be using "o=netscaperoot" from a different machine,
but if both machines are setup EXACTLY the same way, then you might
be able to replace the hostname. But this is error prone, and we
should try and get the master B registered on master A's console.
Did you try setting up a admin domain that points to master B's
see comments below...
On 04/24/2012 04:11 PM, Herb Burnswell wrote:
This isn't the right bind dn we are looking for. :-) We want to
see the the results from "uid=admin" and "cn=directory manager".
This might be caused by some access restrictions. Do a ldapsearch
on o=netscaperoot and look for:
dn: cn=configuration, cn=admin-serv-HOSTNAME, cn=389 Administration
Server, cn=Server Group, cn=HOST.DOMAIN, ou=DOMAIN, o=NetscapeRoot
Use ldapmodify to change the settings if needed. Make sure that the
host you are trying to connect from is allowed by the settings. You
could just set both to "*" for now. You will need to restart the
admin server for this change to take effect.
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