Re: [389-users] About Kerberos and dirsrv

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Hi Juan!

It's possible to do a bash script to import existing users into kerberos??
In my ldap I have already 2000 users ...


2011/6/15 Juan Carlos Camargo Carrillo <juancar@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> To your former question, yes. Basically, and assuming you have experience
> with openldap:
> 0.- Backup your current installation or create a new 389ds instance.
> 1.- Configure the kdc to use ldap as a database backend.
> 2.- Get the 60kerberos.ldif from freeIPA (it works out of the box with
> 389ds) and copy it to the instance's "schema" folder. Add krb5principalname
> to your  suffix database indexes. Restart dirsrv.
> 3.- Create the realm with kdb5_ldap_util.
> 4.- Create kerberos principals for your users
>     4.1 for new users , "addprinc <principal> "
>     4.2 for existing ldap users, "addprinc -x dn=<full dn of the user>
> <principal". This will add kerberos attributes to an existing ldap user.
> Regards!
> El mié, 15-06-2011 a las 13:10 +0200, Gioachino Bartolotta escribió:
> Hi !!
> Yes, I want to use 389ds as a backend for kerberos.
> So, everything will work just if I import the schemas on 389ds?
> Another question. I have actually 2 389ds configured with multimaster
> replica, and on each server there is a kdc (1 master and 1 slave).
> I have to copy the same keytab on both servers?
> Have I also to change the file /etc/sysconfig/saslauthd with these
> parameters??
> START=yes
> OPTIONS="-m /var/run/saslauthd
> Then ... I am missing something else??
> Thank you.
> 2011/6/15 Juan Carlos Camargo Carrillo <juancar@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hi,
>> It depends.  If you want to use 389ds as a Kerberos database backend  then
>> you should import the schema into the directory and yes, you'll need to
>> create principals or modify the existing ldap entries to accept kerberos
>> attributes, as you've said you did with openldap.  I've done it with my
>> 389ds lab and it works.
>> El mié, 15-06-2011 a las 12:08 +0200, Gioachino Bartolotta escribió:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a problem in setup kerberos with 389 and I tried to do using
>> the documents available on 389 site and RedHat.
>> I followed everything, but I am unable to get the initial ticket from
>> kerberos. Have I to add these records as I have always done with
>> openldap??
>> dn: ou=KerberosPrincipals,ou=Users,dc=domain
>> ou: KerberosPrincipals
>> objectClass: top
>> objectClass: organizationalUnit
>> dn:
>> krb5PrincipalName=ldapmaster/admin@DOMAN,ou=KerberosPrincipals,ou=Users,dc=domain
>> objectClass: top
>> objectClass: person
>> objectClass: krb5Principal
>> objectClass: krb5KDCEntry
>> krb5PrincipalName: ldapmaster/admin@DOMAIN
>> krb5KeyVersionNumber: 1
>> krb5MaxLife: 86400
>> krb5MaxRenew: 604800
>> krb5KDCFlags: 126
>> cn: ldapmaster/admin@domain
>> sn: ldapmaster/admin@domain
>> userPassword: {MD5}5S2YxFmBmhF3WTbY37t5KQ==
>> Thanks
>> --
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Gioachino Bartolotta
ICQ #: 9103167
MSN Messenger: astraroth@xxxxxxxx
Yahoo & Skype: gioachino_bartolotta
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