Re: [389-users] [389-announce] Announcing 389 Directory Server version 1.2.8 Release Candidate 2

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On 03/30/2011 06:30 AM, Andrey Ivanov wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> 2011/3/25 Rich Megginson<rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>> The 389 Project team is pleased to announce the release of
>> 389-ds-base-1.2.8 Release Candidate 2.  This release has fixes for bugs
>> found in 1.2.8 testing and bugs from earlier releases.
> i've made a rapid test compiling from today's sources (1.2.8.rc3 or
> rc4 i think). I haven't seen any immediately obvious bugs. It is also
> much more stable than
> However i've noticed that the order of operations in logs is not
> always correct :
> [30/Mar/2011:14:17:03 +0200] conn=13 fd=128 slot=128 connection from
> to
> [30/Mar/2011:14:17:03 +0200] conn=13 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 version=3
> [30/Mar/2011:14:17:03 +0200] conn=13 op=1 SRCH
> base="dc=id,dc=polytechnique,dc=edu" scope=2
> filter="(&(|(objectClass=X-Misc)(objectClass=X-Object))(!(X-UniqueId=*)))"
> attrs="nsUniqueId"
> [30/Mar/2011:14:17:03 +0200] conn=13 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101
> nentries=0 etime=0.117000 notes=U
> [30/Mar/2011:14:17:03 +0200] conn=13 op=2 UNBIND
> [30/Mar/2011:14:17:03 +0200] conn=13 op=2 fd=128 closed - U1
> [30/Mar/2011:14:17:03 +0200] conn=13 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97
> nentries=0 etime=0.021000 dn=""
> (the result of op=0 is after op=2)
> or
> [30/Mar/2011:14:20:19 +0200] conn=19 fd=128 slot=128 connection from
> local to /Local/dirsrv/var/run/slapd-dmz.socket
> [30/Mar/2011:14:20:19 +0200] conn=19 AUTOBIND dn="cn=X LDAP Root"
> [30/Mar/2011:14:20:19 +0200] conn=19 op=0 BIND dn="cn=X LDAP Root"
> method=sasl version=3 mech=EXTERNAL
> [30/Mar/2011:14:20:19 +0200] conn=19 op=1 SRCH
> base="dc=id,dc=polytechnique,dc=edu" scope=2
> filter="(&(|(objectClass=X-Misc)(objectClass=X-Object))(!(X-UniqueId=*)))"
> attrs="nsUniqueId"
> [30/Mar/2011:14:20:19 +0200] conn=19 op=2 UNBIND
> [30/Mar/2011:14:20:19 +0200] conn=19 op=2 fd=128 closed - U1
> [30/Mar/2011:14:20:19 +0200] conn=19 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97
> nentries=0 etime=0.012000 dn="cn=X LDAP Root"
> [30/Mar/2011:14:20:19 +0200] conn=19 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101
> nentries=0 etime=0.108000 notes=U
> (the result of op=0 and op=1 is after op=2)
> It is not something new, i've tested on (our production
> environment) and this behavior it is also present. I observe it much
> more often when the log buffering is off. Don't know if it's a bug or
> it's because of several threads writing in parallel and it's an
> expected phenomenon...
It might be a bug in that it would be nice if they were always in 
order.  It is just the logging that is out of order - the operations do 
go through in the correct order.
> @+

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