[389-Users] Repopulating Multi-Master Replicated Directory

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I ran into this a few days ago.  There may be a more elegant solution, and I would love to hear it.


Initializing a DS after replication agreements are in place resulted in changelogdb errors.  The system said the information in its db did not match pending replications in the changelog, and it suggested a purge or a reinitialization.


[18/Feb/2011:15:33:39 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - multimaster_be_state_change

: replica dc=example,dc=com is coming online; enabling replication

[18/Feb/2011:15:33:39 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - replica_reload_ruv: Warning: new data for replica dc=example,dc=com does not match the data in the changelog.

Recreating the changelog file. This could affect replication with replica's  consumers in which case the consumers should be reinitialized.


I had to disable replication, which did nothing but remove the changelogdb.  I did not have to remove the replication agreements and recreate them, just disable replication on the consumer, then initialize, then re-enable replication.



From: 389-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org [mailto:389-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org] On Behalf Of Rich Megginson
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 11:24 AM
To: 389-users at lists.fedoraproject.org
Subject: Re: [389-Users] Repopulating Multi-Master Replicated Directory


On 02/22/2011 09:18 AM, Chun Tat David Chu wrote: 

Hi All

I have a question about repopulating 2 or more multi-master replicated directory.

Here's my scenario...
1) I exported the whole directory database into LDIF.
2) I need to repopulate two directories that are configured with multi-master replication scheme

Knowing that one way to do this is simply repopulate one directory and let the replication does the rest by re-initializing the other directory.

But can I import the same LDIF file individually to both directories to reduce synchronization time?

The goal here is to minimize the time needed for directory synchronization.

Thanks in advance!



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