Hi, I have performance problem on 389-ds server and don't really know where to start fine tuning. My current setup is master (2xQuadCore, 8GB RAM), few read-only slaves. It works (more or less) without problems, but I would like to migrate to multi master (2 master servers). To check if one master will handle the whole load, I've tried switching clients from slaves to master one by one. After switching clients from third slave, I've encountered weird problem - master was about 50% busy (looking at the cpu, no IO waits), but there was problem with new connections. Looking at the network level - there was SYN from client, but no ACK until one or two retransmissions of SYN. I've tried increasing thread number (from 30 to 60), but problem still exists. The problem is near 400-500 connections/second. My whole load is ~750conn/sec. Looking at the CPU usage, this server should handle the load. It works stable with load ~300conn/sec. There are plenty of configuration options, where should I look first? -- Daniel Fenert