On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Jazcek Braden wrote: > I am having an issue with running 398 server on fedora core 14 using > the default packages (389 > > What is happening is that every once and a while a client gets > disconnected with a T2 error, after that happens no new connections > can be made to the server until the server is restart, all existing > connections continue to work as expected. Reading only the access log > messages it looks like it might have something to do with the fd > handle. I only say this because once the first disconnect occurs, the > conn number is incremented by the fd number isn't and any connection > that tries to use the fd increment has an error. I was wondering if > any body can suggest the logging options on how to diagnose this > better or if this is a known bug in this version of 389 server. Below > is an exceprt from the access logs. > [06/Jan/2011:21:29:11 -0700] conn=473 op=-1 fd=81 closed - T2 > [06/Jan/2011:21:38:36 -0700] conn=490 fd=81 slot=81 connection from > > to > [06/Jan/2011:21:38:37 -0700] conn=490 op=-1 fd=81 closed - T2 > [06/Jan/2011:21:38:38 -0700] conn=491 fd=81 slot=81 connection from > > to > [06/Jan/2011:21:38:38 -0700] conn=491 op=-1 fd=81 closed - T2 > ...repeats until server is restarted... > -- > Jazcek Braden I have a similar/same problem here after upgrading from 389-ds- base- to 389-ds-base- , but only on one of my 3 replicas.