On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 12:12:52PM +0200, Roberto Polli wrote: > W: Impossibile trovare il pacchetto mozilla-ldap-sdk > Trying to download tarball using uscan > uscan warning: In debian/watch no matching hrefs for version 6.0.6+dfsg in > watch line > http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/directory/c- > sdk/releases/v(.*)/src/mozldap-(.*)\.tar\.gz > Couldn't find a tarball Yes, look at the debian/rules makefile at the get-orig-source target and invoke that. There is some non clearly free stuff that I've removed from the tarball. I'll eventually have to check with debian-legal, but for now I just removed them (just some .ico files and some example files where the licensing is not specified) regards, -- Michele Baldessari <michele at acksyn.org> C2A5 9DA3 9961 4FFB E01B D0BC DDD4 DCCB 7515 5C6D