Hi Not strictly a 389 question but maybe 389 offers a solution. I have a tree structure as follows: dc=company ou=people,dc=company ou=groups,dc=company On my client the I have the following searchbase in /etc/ldap.conf dc=company If I login as user gerrard and look at the network traffic then every possible user is send to the client. This is not a problem yet but would be a problem on a slow link or with lots of users. Changing the base to ou=people,dc=company works in that the search results returned is way smaller, but breaks everything else because group membership is not in that base. Is there a way to dynamically have search basis when queries for certain data is done. How do you configure clients to be more selective when doing searches against a ldap directory. Regards ________________________________________________________________________ In order to protect our email recipients, Betfair Group use SkyScan from MessageLabs to scan all Incoming and Outgoing mail for viruses. ________________________________________________________________________