On Thursday 07 October 2010 17:17:35 Rich Megginson wrote: > Do you want these scripts to go into 389 > upstream? not now ;) I wish we could create such a community to support and maintain in QA all the needed debian scripts. > But yes, > there should be an official place for debian build scripts There are plenty of part-time 389 packager for debian, ubuntu & co, everyone with his own repo. I tried to contact a lot of people these days, and only one responded... > - either they > should go into the debian build system, or into 389 upstream. I'd > rather have the former. Afaik all the packaging job is done outside the 389 community: to me this is wrong. The sabayon packaging taught me that distro-specific issues can improve the knowledge of the software. So the point: we need one "official" place tied to the 389 community. The repository doesn't have to be the 389 one, but anyway should be something more official. Glad to hear from you+Peace, R. PS: About the repos: I still manage several project on sourceforge, so I don't have to create another account. -- Roberto Polli Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it T: +39.06.91801075 M: +39.340.6522736 F: +39.06.91612446 P.zza S.Benedetto da Norcia, 33 - 00040 Pomezia (Roma) CONFIDENZIALE: Questo messaggio ed i suoi allegati sono di carattere confidenziale per i destinatari in indirizzo. E' vietato l'inoltro non autorizzato a destinatari diversi da quelli indicati nel messaggio originale. Se ricevuto per errore, l'uso del contenuto e' proibito; si prega di comunicarlo al mittente e cancellarlo immediatamente.