Tuning 389 DS

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2010/8/2 Rich Megginson <rmeggins at redhat.com>

> Juan Asensio S?nchez wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I am trying to tune the performance of the Directory Server. We have
> > increased the memory for the database cache and for each database
> > entry cache. These are the new values:
> >
> > cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
> > nsslapd-dbcachesize: 838860800 (~800MB)
> >
> > cn=*,cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
> > nsslapd-cachememsize: 125829120 (~120MB)
> >
> > We have 27 databases, and the servers have 16 GB of RAM, so the server
> > should be able to handle all that memory (800 + 120*27 = 4040MB). But
> > when I go to the monitoring section of the management console, the
> > database cache says the hit ratio is 99% (this is OK according to the
> > documentation, near 100%), but the entry cache is 0%, that is very far
> > for 100% that the documentation recomends (see screenshots attached).
> > Am I confused or the configuration is not correct?
> When you start out with an empty cache, the cache hit ratio will be 0
> until entries get into the cache and are pulled from the cache rather
> than the database.
> Try doing a search like ldapsearch ... -b "basesuffixofdatabase"
> "objectclass=*"
> >

Well, the servers are running for a long time, not only a days. I have done
that search, but the "Entry cache hit ratio" remains 0. I have also noticed
that "Current entry cache size (in entries)" is only 4168, even after the
search, although out directory cointains about 50000 entries. Is this

> > Regards.
> >
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