I am in the same position, but I am running RHEL5.3 I am able to get the admin Gui working, but not the management GUI working But I am unable to log into the Admin Gui. Which user is this, is this a unix user/password? Which one? Is this an application user/password?? How do I set this. Thank You, Dan ________________________________ From: 389-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org [mailto:389-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org] On Behalf Of olof nord Sent: June 01, 2010 5:46 PM To: 389-users at lists.fedoraproject.org Subject: two guys who bit some more than we could chew...(?) Dear Sirs, we need your help. We are two guys, Olof Nord and Thobias Nylander, studying the secondary year on upper high school at kattegattgymnasiet <http://www.halmstad.se/kattegattgymnasiet> , Halland, sweden. google maps link <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Kattegattgy mnasiet,+Halmstad,+Sverige&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=54.79724,79.01367 2&ie=UTF8&hq=Kattegattgymnasiet,&hnear=Halmstad,+Sweden&t=h&z=15> We have a Local Networking class where we are supposed to set up and maintain an LDAP based directory server. We had the opportunity to work with some other programs (and OS), and we chose 389 Directory server. Now we've been struggling with this program for several weeks, and soon we have to report what's been done. And we have nothing to report. We have been following several guides, but one major guide we have been reading is red hat's official guide <http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/8.1/install/Installation_ Guide-Preparing_for_a_Directory_Server_Installation.html> , but it feels like we dont really get this straight. whats been done: we have been able to install and setup the program. we have also managed to install another program for adding users through a GUI, called luma <http://luma.sourceforge.net/> . BUT we can start, but not logon to the 389-console, and we cant get luma to connect to our server. we have succeded with starting service dirsrv. We are working on a PC with Fedora 13 installed,updated, and the PC is in every other way working as it should. (exept no flash...) I think i't a good thing to add here that we both are very experienced windows users and that we, in this course, have worked with Microsofts alternative Directory server quite a while. Our goal is to be able to log into the 389-console and to add some users. We would also like to do some more things like sharing folders and create sub-admins. consider this as a cry for help to a stretched hand, grasping for the mainland knowing he is almost ashore. Kindest regards, Olof Nord and Thobias Nylander ________________________________ Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now. <https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969> ********************************************************************** This e-mail and its attachments may contain Forest Laboratories, Inc. proprietary information that is privileged, confidential or subject to copyright belonging to Forest Laboratories, Inc. This e-mail is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this e-mail to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or action taken in relation to the contents of and attachments to this e-mail is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the original and any copy of this e-mail and any printout. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/389-users/attachments/20100603/9f2d8e7e/attachment.html