2009/9/21 Emmanuel BILLOT <emmanuel.billot at ird.fr>: > Hi, > > I'm searching for a best practive documentation about tunning DB, like > nsslapd-lookthroughlimit > nsslapd-sizelimit > > Our DIT contains 20 000 entries, what parameters can we use and how for > having a best configured dirsrv ? > Hi Emmanuel, did you check this documentation ? http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/ag/8.0/Managing_Indexes.html#About_Indexes-Overview_of_the_Searching_Algorithm The answer will depend of your entries, and what you'd want to achieve. Given the number of entries in your directory, and memory available in nowadays server, setting those values to the number of entries should be fine. Regards, J.