Hi, I was able to install project-389 on CentOS 5.4, and It was so easy! Good job! Well, something has changed from Fedora Directory Server, and now I don't know where are the scripts to start the directory server and the console (at least I found the log files :) ), then if you can give me a hand with that would be very good :) I have to do an speech on saturday, and It will be about directory server and Project-389 :) http://2009.encuentrolinux.cl/exposiciones/#ServiciodedirectorioconceptosbasicosherramientasyMultimasterReplication Regards! -- Morenisco. Centro de Difusi?n del Software Libre. http://www.cdsl.cl http://www.folasol.org http://trabajosfloss.cdsl.cl Blog: http://morenisco.noc-root.net