Hi, I'm currently on fight with AD replication and synchronization. I need to know if a non default synchronization (as it is porposed in the agrment assistant) is possible. I mean, is it possible to synchronize - users in this case : ou=people,dc=toutou,dc=tagada,dc=org (DS) with ou=utilisateurs,ou=toutou,dc=tagada,dc=fr (AD) and groups like this ou=group,dc=toutou,dc=tagada,dc=org (DS) with ou=groupes,ou=toutou,dc=tagada,dc=fr (AD) Note that OU are different, suffix are different too. I had ti create two different agrements because of OU naming (people vs utilisateurs and group vs groupes), so one agrement for each object type. I succeed in synchronizing users, but for groups, i have an error : dn="<GUID=2313f95309633645bd2396aa959bea46>" or dn="CN=pfffff,OU=groupes,OU=ORLEANS,DC=maqird,DC=fr" [12/Oct/2009:11:58:03 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=orl_group" (maqsvrdc0001:636): windows_replay_update: Processing modify operation local dn="cn=pfffff,ou=group,dc=orleans,dc=ird,dc=fr" remote dn="<GUID=2313f95309633645bd2396aa959bea46>" [12/Oct/2009:11:58:03 +0200] - map_dn_values: this entry is not ours uid=aubertin,ou=People,dc=orleans,dc=ird,dc=fr [12/Oct/2009:11:58:03 +0200] agmt="cn=orl_group" (maqsvrdc0001:636) - clcache_load_buffer: rc=-30989 [12/Oct/2009:11:58:03 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=orl_group" (maqsvrdc0001:636): No more updates to send (cl5GetNextOperationToReplay) It seems that the agrement does not recognize the user entry because it is stored in a different subtree (the subtree for agrement is ou=group,dc=orleans,dc=ird,dc=fr, the subtree for user is ou=people,dc=orleans,dc=ird,dc=fr). Is it right ? Users and Group synch is it only possible when users and groups are in the same agrement ? If true, how can we do if OU naming is so different ? I hope somebody will answer, BR, -- ========================================== Emmanuel BILLOT IRD - Orl?ans D?l?gation aux Syst?mes d'Information (DSI) t?l : 02 38 49 95 88 ==========================================