Hello all, I've been evaluating and prepping to deploy 389 for a couple months now and while working on my final deployment I've run into a snag... I created two servers and successfully enabled SSL on them. I'm attempting to create a third using the exact same procedure and can't seem to get SSL enabled. I used the admin-gui to install the request / install the certs and roots. ##WORKING #certutil -L -d . Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes SSL,S/ MIME,JAR/XPI Metaweb Root Certificate CT,, Metaweb Host Root Certificate CT,, server-cert u,u,u # certutil -L -d . -n server-cert Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 88 (0x58) Signature Algorithm: PKCS #1 MD5 With RSA Encryption Issuer: ........ <full certificate> ## NOT WORKING # certutil -L -d . Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes SSL,S/ MIME,JAR/XPI Metaweb Root Certificate CT,, Metaweb Host Root Certificate CT,, server-cert u,u,u # certutil -L -d . -n server-cert certutil: Could not find: server-cert : security library: bad database. These systems are automatically deployed and configured and should have identical package revisions and configurations. I'm at a blank to what is causing the problem. Any insight that people have would be *greatly* appreciated. Sincerely, Trey SHeldon