Hello On my dir server, I am seeing lots of similar to below messages, how this can be resolve so I don't see below error msg.. appreciate your help. on dvfnds01 , is the supplier # tail -f /var/log/dirsrv/slap-*/access [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=dvfnds02" (dvfnds02:636): Consumer failed to replay change (uniqueid 059b5581-0d2511dd-ae03d7e3-3dfce5fc, CSN 4a794bc8000000010000): DSA is unwilling to perform. Will retry later. on dvfnds02 , is the consumer # tail -f /var/log/dirsrv/slap-*/access [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 SSL 256-bit AES [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=0 BIND dn="cn=Replication Manager,cn=config" method=128 version=3 [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 dn="cn=replication manager,cn=config" [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=1 SRCH base="" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="supportedControl supportedExtension" [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0 [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=2 SRCH base="" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="supportedControl supportedExtension" [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=2 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0 [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=3 EXT oid="2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.3" name="Netscape Replication Start Session" [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=3 RESULT err=0 tag=120 nentries=0 etime=0 [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=4 SRCH base="cn=replica,cn=\22dc=TB,dc=be\22,cn=mapping tree,cn=config" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="nsDS5ReplicaId" [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=4 RESULT err=32 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0 [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=5 MOD dn="uid=john.elle,ou=people,ou=EB,dc=TB,dc=be", no modifiable attributes specified [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561655 op=5 RESULT err=53 tag=103 nentries=0 etime=0 [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561656 fd=186 slot=186 SSL connection from to [05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +0000] conn=3561656 op=-1 fd=186 closed - Encountered end of file. Does anyone have a list of what error code 53 is or error code 32 is.. Thanks... Regards Dharmin