Fedora dS Serv Admin on RHEL4

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tsagnimorte at elv.enic.fr wrote:
> Yes, I installed FC3/RHEL4 x86_64.
> At the end of the installation, I have just a message that said it
> can't start admin-serv (and the explaination is the same with
> libssl3.so and libldap60.so).
> I do grep HTTPD start-admin and I have
> HTTPD=/usr/sbin/httpd.worker
>     /usr/bin/ldd $HTTPD 2>&1 | grep libldap > /dev/null 2>&1 &&
> hasol=1
> $HTTPD -k start -d $ADMSERV_ROOT -f $ADMSERV_ROOT/config/httpd.conf
> "$@"
> In ldd /usr/sbin/httpd.worker I find "libldap-2.2.so.7"
> /opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libssl3.so and
> /opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libldap60.so are present and it's the
> same for /opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libmodrestartd.so
> Maybe it's a problem with 64bit and the lib?
I just don't know.  I cannot reproduce this problem:
1) start with an up2date RHEL4 x86_64 system
2) Download 
and install
3) run setup
The admin server starts fine - no errors - console works too.

Do you have LD_LIBRARY_PATH set?  Are there any non system paths in your 
Does anyone else have this problem? 
>> tsagnimorte at elv.enic.fr wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have installed a FDS 1.0.4 on my RHEL4.
>> I'm assuming you installed the FC3/RHEL4 binary rpm?
>>> The slpad server is good,
>>> but I have a problem when I want to start the Admin Server.
>> When you ran setup, did it complete successfully with no error
>> messages? Check /opt/fedora-ds/admin-serv/logs for errors too.
>>> Here is wath I get in return of start-admin command:
>>> ERROR: ld.so: object '/opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libssl3.so' from
>>> LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>> ERROR: ld.so: object '/opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libldap60.so'
> from
>>> LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
>>> Syntax error on line 150 of
>>> /opt/fedora-ds/admin-serv/config/httpd.conf:
>>> Cannot load /opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libmodrestartd.so into
>>> server: /opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libmodrestartd.so: cannot open
>>> shared object file: No such file or directory
>>> What would cause this issue? I don't find any info on the web.
>> grep HTTPD start-admin
>> Then, see if that executable exists - it should be
> /usr/sbin/httpd.worker
>> Then, do ldd /usr/sbin/httpd.worker - do you see any libldap* in the
> output?
>> do /opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libssl3.so and
>> /opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libldap60.so exist?
>>> Regards,
>>> Thomas
>>> --
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